Holiday SOS Private Coaching Program

Holiday SOS is for individuals who are…

NOT feeling resilient as the holidays approach (even dreading them).
Feeling emotionally triggered, overwhelmed, anxious, discouraged or alone.
Crave relief from a chronically stressed nervous system.
Navigating hard things or difficult people and need to support their wellbeing.


Desire a better way to manage it all than relying on coping mechanisms that keep them stuck, broke, hung over, or gaining weight.
Desire confidence with setting some boundaries and limits around their self care, time, energy and spending.
Desire to feel empowered to manage their current stressors, calm their nervous system and think more clearly.
WANT to feel more like themselves again.
Want to feel more at peace.

WHY did I create the Holiday SOS?

I’ve witnessed the overwhelm, distress, anxiety, sadness and triggers that my clients have faced with the onset of fall and the additional pressures of the holiday season.

I’ve been SO happy to support clients who felt sometimes almost hopeless, and I’m SO glad they didn’t have to sit alone with this struggle.

You don’t have to navigate this alone!

Even if your life seems sort of ok, the fall is seasonally and energetically a time when your body naturally revisits unresolved grief and trauma. Add to that the pressure of holidays, extra commitments, and having to deal with dysfunction within your family that triggers the heck out of you.

Autumn is also a time of transition, when you may find yourself naturally craving a fresh start and want to move forward in your life. This can create a sense of restlessness or confusion that you’re not sure what to do with.

The solution? Holiday SOS. Here’s why it can help.

  • You need a practical solution, not just Hallmark movies, sugar cookies, stiff drinks and mindset work. Not that those are taboo…ha ha… but you need something better. I’m all for a glass of wine, some nice dark chocolate and a sappy rom-com for a dopamine hit when the mood strikes 🙂
  • A skilled coach trained in the Gentle Trauma Release Method for tangible relief like a breath of fresh air.
  • A compassionate, safe human presence to walk alongside you and guide you to a place of greater resilience.
  • Stop trying to go it alone or pretending to be ok. Your friends and family have their limits in how they can support you, especially if some of them are a source of your stress or a hot mess themselves.
  • Simple, accessible, empowering processes you can immediately put to use, to regulate and calm your nervous system.
  • A wellbeing plan to move forward to the end of the year and beyond.
  • Release bothersome or intrusive memories that you can’t stop ruminating about.
  • Release and relief from intense, heavy or stuck emotions that you’ve been trying to avoid.
  • A newfound sense of hope and optimism.
  • Coaching & guidance to establish boundaries & self care that nurture your sense of wellbeing.

Program Details:

Personal 1-1 coaching via Zoom.

Special offer bundle with 4 live calls (60-90 min) with a BONUS no extra charge 5th call to support you with your next steps for the New Year with a greater sense of clarity, focus and empowerment.

$999 – Now $797 with max 7 spots available.

Get ready to feel support, release, relief, empowerment and more emotional, mental and physical resilience by working with your body to move forward and feel your spark come back.

Prework Call #1

Gentle Intake Session
Wholistic Wellbeing Assessment — To identify where healing is needed based on the symptoms you’re experiencing, and where you’d like to see yourself.

Experience Immediate Relief Call # 2-3

  • Experience a sense of relief and well-being with science based Gentle Trauma Release protocols.
  • Release 1-2 bothersome traumatic memories from your past
  • Master an easy technique to get a quick relief from trauma even on your own.
  • Learn additional techniques to release difficult or stuck emotions.

Create Your Contingency Plan Call #4

  • Get clear on your next steps to create healthy boundaries, regulate your nervous system & continue to nurture your wellbeing.
  • Release any additional triggering memories or difficult emotions that are coming up.

BONUS no charge 5th call Wellbeing Tune UP

  • Feel equipped to continue to maintain your wellbeing.
  • Clear any additional events or emotions that are weighing you down.
  • Course correct if you find yourself getting off track with your self care.
  • Master additional techniques to support your wellbeing emotionally, mentally and physically.

Sign Up Now To Claim Your Spot In Holiday SOS

Enrollment begins now, with doors closing Dec 1 or when the 7 spots are filled.


$797 CAD

Payment options available through Afterpay.


When are the Zoom calls scheduled?

We will work together to plan the times we connect. You will want to set aside about 90 min. If schedules allow, we will plan to connect about 1x per week to keep your healing momentum going.

Do you work in person?

I prefer Zoom, so you can relax in your own cozy space. This also allows for complete location freedom.

What if I can’t use all of my calls in December?

Any unused calls you have left will be carried forward into the new year.

How do I know this is right for me?

If you’re recognizing the symptoms I’ve already named, you’re likely a good fit for this short term program. If you still have questions, you can send me a message here.

How soon can I expect to start feeling better?

I don’t promise a quick fix for long term issues, however my clients finish each call with a sense of relaxation and well being, often noticing that they feel more progress in a few weeks of Gentle Trauma Release coaching than they did in months or years of talk therapy or other modalities. This science based method works consistently and the results are lasting.

How do I get started?

Book your spot, and I’ll be in touch with the next steps including a few forms and getting you on my calendar, and on your way to feeling relief! I can’t wait to support you.

About Ramona

Ramona is a passionate coach, dedicated to impacting women’s lives long term by creating powerful shifts in how they nurture their heart, mind, body & soul.

Nothing makes her happier than seeing women fully own who they are, free from limitations, old stories, and trauma that have kept them constricted, stuck, or barely surviving.

Ramona empowers her clients to build a new, empowered identity as the foundation that supports their goals, desires & dreams.

Terms & Conditions

Coaching services provided are not intended to replace a medical assessment, diagnosis, or treatment. Because there are always risks when starting any new fitness, diet, or therapy regimen, be sure to check with your doctor or medical provider before you begin. This is not intended to give you advice, but to empower you to make the best choices for yourself. The results that you get from coaching and personal training are unique to the individual, and largely depend on your own actions. You agree to show up and participate. You acknowledge that there will be additional forms and waivers to sign before beginning your program, depending on the type of services you’re receiving.

There will be no refunds issued if you don’t show up and participate. As per the Alberta Consumer Protection Act, you have the right to cancel services within 10 days of purchase, However, fees for services already provided until the point of cancellation will be deducted from your refund amount.

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