I’m a trainer, so you would think that it’s easy for me to always be working out.
No, that’s not the case.
This summer, I went on a family holiday. We booked a condo in beautiful Kimberley, BC for some sunshine and downtime in nature. If you have a family, you probably know what a Gong Show it can be leading up to a vacation and all of the loose ends that need to be tied up.
Leading up to that, I was also in the middle of rebranding my business
I was stepping out of my comfort zone constantly in this developing stage of my business, fine-tuning my work and “putting myself out there” in so many ways.
None of this was habitual, simple or easy. Honestly, this was quite challenging for my nervous system.
When my summer break came, I literally collapsed into it and it took a few days to even feel like myself again. We were often busy with fun activities in scorching heat, and most days my capacity to do anything extra was simply non-existent.
I gave myself permission to not even think about working out on my holidays. I even had ice cream almost every day.
If you think you have to be perfect, and get it all right, you don’t.
I honored what my capacity was at that time.
Even now, I’m easing into what’s going to look more like my normal schedule and routine, and I’m very gently getting back to training and getting more dialed in on my nutrition. I’m also working around a mild injury, so pushing myself too hard is out of the question.
I have to work with my capacity right now. Emotionally, mentally, physically.
And it’s okay that things aren’t perfect because I’ve already established the identity of who I am and what I do.
The bottom line is that I’m not going to go months and years without training my body.
I’m not going to abandon all the things that I would normally do for my well being.
There just may be a shift in what things look like while I get back to what my nervous system will accommodate.
Increasing your capacity will take time.
If you’ve been in survival mode for years, it’s going to take some time and some steps to build your capacity and your resilience with each new thing you add to your life.
If you’ve set some intentions or goals before, and they never happened, or you get sort of there, but you fall back into old coping mechanisms, it’s not because you lack motivation, or that there’s something wrong with you. You need some expert guidance to shift that.
As a trainer, I feel bad when women “fail” at something that was important to them, like feeling more fit in their bodies and upgrading their nutrition, or improving their mobility for less pain in daily life.
Sometimes it’s just a matter of achieving micro goals slowly so that what you’re doing matches your life at that moment.
How do you close the gap between what you want and what you’re capable of, or what you think you’re capable of?
This is where I can support you in a way that’s different. With empowerment coaching and Gentle Trauma Release, the old patterns that used to sabotage you can be dissolved (you don’t need them any more).
The “motivation” you seem to lack is replaced with a natural energy and focus as you flex your self discipline muscles and feel more resilient.
If you’ve spent YEARS putting yourself last, there is some emotional work that needs to happen so that you feel successful with each new step that you take, until the new you just exists in a different way.
You can’t be expected to just figure it out and make it all happen, and then keep going, all on your own if you’ve never managed to do this before!
Despite what you may have done, or not done, in the past, it doesn’t matter. Any past failures or flops by no means indicate what you’re capable (and worthy) of.
What’s often missing is the incremental growth. Did you take on more than you had capacity for in your life? Did you lack expert guidance and support to show you the way?
Don’t try harder; try different. It can be gentler, more incremental, more sustainable…and then BOOM…you feel powerful!
If you’re curious about taking a refreshingly different approach to making your body and emotional well being a priority, let’s chat.
You can become the empowered, healthy, strong and emotionally resilient woman you wish to become.